Would you believe that this is all I got done on the sewing front? And, since the applique stitches are not even started, no machine was used in getting him this far. I’m telling you now, don’t start knitting and for sure don’t buy yarn.
I did, however, have to buy fusible as all I had were the very small leftovers from other fish and/or chickens. And look at how large the pieces are for this fish. Only one dealer carries the brand I use and the company only sells wholesale. My dealer never buys much and frequently there isn’t any. So I called, made the lady go look on the shelf and then bought all they had. This hobby is not easy.
I worked really hard getting that heel made and then the full foot but then I had to wait for the toe until Saturday’s class.
And lookie, lookie, I have a sock. It looks a little misshapen because it hasn’t been blocked but I can tell you that it fits fine. The sad thing is that it took me from 10am until 4pm to get it done. I made a mistake fairly early, had to pull everything I had done that morning and start on that toe again. However, that is how we learn and the toe came out GREAT. Now I need to finish the second of the pair: I am currently knitting the gusset. Once that is done I will only have the foot, toe, and then the Kitchner stitched end. I have to say that is a little tricky but I will get it done.
And to prove I can get something done, here are my tube socks, not only done but on my feet. I wore them to Pizza Hut, where they keep the place freezing, Friday night and my little feet were toasty warm. I had a close-up picture but really had to use the one where Abby had to butt in; she is almost as cute as my new socks.
And lest you think that my day at the yarn shop only included a lesson and knitting, here are the additions to my still small yarn stash. I have plans for most of it but won’t start anything until I have finished the one or two I already have in process.
Lastly, I have to share my Norfolk Pine. We bought this last Christmas because we didn’t have room for our regular tree. It survived the winter, looking a little droopy, and then came out on the deck in the Spring and it has thrived. Can you see the new growth? I am so proud of it and have promised it that we will find a better place for it inside this winter. I have never been able to keep one of these alive for a whole year so I am really excited about it. And the Christmas cactus has grown a lot as well as the Poinsettia we have now had for 4 years. None of them are going to be excited about returning to the house but we will wait until the last minute before subjecting them to dry, stale air. I don’t blame them for wanting to stay outside all year.
Sunday, just as I was getting ready to cut fabric for the Deck-Ade The Halls, DH came to tell me he wasn’t feeling good and he would feel better if I was in the house where I could check on him. I spent part of the day playing games on the computer but then decided it was time to print some patterns, both quilting and knitting. Once he is feeling better I am going to get back in the groove: I need to see things being accomplished ………. besides socks.
Have a great week. Gari
Well, what do you know, I have a very colorful design wall today. These are two BOMs that I am getting caught up on. The funny thing was that when I made my new fish I found that I had now made it twice. And I still have two more to do before I am up to date. I have added the 3 wreaths to the Christmas BOM and, again, have two more installments to complete before I am caught up.
Those wreaths are made up of lots of pieces which I cut up on one day and then put them together on another day.
And sometimes I don’t do it right. In fact I made this same mistake on all three wreaths. No wonder I don’t like chain piecing!
Saturday I attended my second sock knitting class where I went to learn how to complete a heel and gusset. Can you see it? Isn’t it beautiful? I am now on the foot part, easy knitting, and next Saturday we will be learning the toe and the Kitchener stitch, a skill I was not able to learn when I was machine knitting. I am really looking forward to attempting it, again.
On Saturday afternoon/evening we took a break from all this creativity to attend the Auburn football game. We had great seats and, of course, it was a great game. I love being at the games, we only go to one a year, because there is so much going on besides the game. Also, there is something really exciting when the cheering starts and gets so loud it rocks the stadium.
Now, it is time to get back to work. I will be linking with Patchwork Times and What A Hoot.
Happy stitching everyone! Gari
Here is class sock #1 with the heel started. The heel wasn’t part of the homework for the week but I went asked if I could have the directions for starting it so I would be ready to have her help me with the gusset, the part I got stopped on when I was doing it by myself. And, because I got this part done, I started on the second sock, too. I am hoping that I will be able to have both of these socks done by the end of the lessons, in 1 week.
Additionally, I am getting very close to having my second tube sock done. I only have about 2” to do on the tube and then the toe, which was very easy on the first sock. These are a little heavier and will be great when it starts to get cooler (I wear sandals all year). I have some of this yarn left so am thinking of combining it with a heavier white/cream yarn for a hat.
I have also had some success at working on quilting projects and will show them off on Monday.
Have a grate weekend, everybody! Gari