I finished quilting Jack and was going to bind it but decided I need to get back to the deadline projects. I brought it in to put on my end table and decided I like the rough look so it is going to stay that way until after the first of the year and then a quick binding, just because I will tire of this look pretty quickly.
This is the backing on Jack. It is fabric I have had for at least 7 years. I had planned to make a vest but, as you can see, that didn’t happen. I used to really enjoy Halloween when the kids were little but now, way out in the country, we really don’t celebrate it much. I have put out some of our decorations but we don’t get very excited over it.
Monday night was another of our great grandson’s soccer games. We really do have fun watching them run and kick with almost no idea of which way they should be going.
Tuesday I spent trying to sort out a closet. I have filled 3 bags with clothing and old comforters that will be going to Goodwill tomorrow. And, of course, I haven’t made a dent in what needs to be sorted.
And yesterday, well for the most part it was spent sitting on the deck with a good book. It was one of those beautiful Fall days, warm, sunshine, breeze, leaves falling, way too nice to be inside doing anything productive.
But late in the afternoon the book was finished so I went inside and appliqued one chicken and cut the pieces for the Carol Doak BOM for October. Here they are all stacked up and labeled, ready for stitching.
And this is where I stopped: 3 sections done and one to go. However, it was my turn to cook dinner so I had to leave.
Today it is raining. I can sit on the deck but, after the obligatory housework is finished I am headed back to the studio to finish what I started and move on to other fun stuff. Interestingly, I will be all caught up on the 3 BOMs I am doing. I was very careful to not let me get overwhelmed this year with BOMs and that has worked out great. I have had to miss out on several I would like to do but the lack of pressure has been wonderful.
For some reason, the Jack quiltlet made me think of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. Strange how the mind works isn't it? I don't seem to have the time to sit and enjoy a book. Maybe when I retire again. I'm working on my second retirement. *grin*
Love your Jack, he looks very appropriate to the season. Hope you were able to get back to the sewing room.
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