To add to this lateness problem, it has been VERY warm here, perfect deck knitting weather. The puppies love it because that is when they get to play outside without leashes, on the deck. Unfortunately the new puppy, Sherlock, can climb anything so someone has to be out there with him to check on what he has figured out to climb on next. For a short dog we have found him in some very high places.
Tomorrow we will be gone all day to see/hear the Trans Siberian Orchestra so I will be late in getting Step 2 of the mystery quilt. Maybe I can figure out a way to just live in the studio on Sunday so I can at least get caught up. Oh, my!
I hope everyone’s week goes well. My prayers are going out to the folks in CO, where our middle son and his family live, as they are getting extremely cold weather and snow. I want them all to be safe but especially my children as they are also dealing with her mother’s serious illness so many miles away from them.
My plan for the rest of the morning is fabric cutting in the studio. I plan to say a prayer for every slice, maybe a way to make that tedious task be of more value.
Have a great rest of the week, Gari
Love your polka dots!! And the oranges are so pretty. It's a *crazy* time of year for these mystery quilts, so I'm just impressed with anybody who gets anything at all done on them. I jealously watch from afar. :)
At least you are trying to work on Celtic Solstice. I decided I shouldn't start something new . . . Especially something really big. It's not a race. Enjoy your sewing as you have time.
You've got a good start on CS. I'm following Bonnie's advice to start on each clue when it comes out and play catch up with what's not done later. Very pretty fabrics you've chosen for this quilt.
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