Needles Are A Clicking
Here is how far I have gotten on my sweater. It really isn't ruffely its just that there are well over 300 stitches on that 40" cord. I need to knit 8" before I can begin separating the sleeves and working on less stitches. I can't wait.
I am still knitting dishcloths. I find it very relaxing and easy.
And I am refinishing a hat. Readers may remember that I knit a hat for DH for Christmas. Well then we got "destructo dog" who ate part of the ribbing off of it. So last week I pulled all of the pieces of yarn off and found the last full row of knitting: the stitches were holding well so I threaded them on the needles and began reknitting the top and now the ribbing. I am going to have a long rib and then double it under for warmer protection for his ears.
And just so everyone knows, I am finally quilting DH's Boots quilt. I have only started the first row but hope to get more done this weekend.
I love the loopy star background quilting on the boots quilt!
The sweater is looking good. I'm in dishcloth mode too. It's my watch you tube project. :(
Love the quilting on the boots quilt!
Good job on rescuing the hat; I hope you hide this one from the dog! That sure is a cute photo on your header. Is she a grand daughter?
I used to do some simple knitting. It is very relaxing. I have never made dish clothes.
Love the colors in your new sweater. Looks like a sunrise!
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