And to show that old dogs can learn new tricks, here are my second FLKs and I did it without even having to watch the videos. These should be done soon and I will have two finishes for this month which begins to make up for no finish last month.
This week begins a two week vacation for DH. He made a very long list of "to do" things so it will be fun to see how well he does on his list. I have to say that since I have become somewhat disabled he has taken over almost all of my household duties so he is very busy even before he made his list. I am so very grateful to him for pitching in and taking over the load without a whimper [at least I haven't heard one, ;-) ].
I joined a sock of the month club and received my first kit. It is for cuff down socks (I really like toe up) and full length (I like anklet). And the yarn came in a skein that needs winding and I don't have a swift. I am not sure what I am going to do: rise to the challenge or quit the club. Decisions, decisions.
I hope everyone who reads this has a productive week and visits Patchwork times to see what other knitters are up to. Gari |