Ok, then, here’s what I am celebrating? Well, during this month I completed two Christmas quilts and both have been gifted as housewarming gifts to two of my grandchildren. I also completed two quilts for friends for Christmas, so I can’t show them yet. But that’s 4 quilts in one month!!
And now?
I have decided to try Bonnie Hunter’s annual New Year’s Mystery, Easy Street. And these are my chosen fabrics. Normally I don’t like mysteries but Bonnie has promised that there are not as many small parts as in years past and I have all my Christmas gifts either bought or made so, what the heck, I might as well play along.
So the first step is to make hundreds of 4 patches. Well, I cut bunches 2” strips out of the gray and black on white fabrics and began sewing them together. Before Friday I hope to have almost 200 4 patches ready to go on to Step 2. I don’t know if I will be able to keep up but at least I am up with everyone right now. If you are interested, a new step will be revealed every Friday through Dec. I think the idea is that, if we have kept up, we should be able to sew the top together on New Year’s Day……..fat chance!
DH has started getting our Christmas Village pieces out. I think he is having a great time creating the village this year. After he hung my quilt, Flight School, he decided I should make another to fill the whole wall (I don’t think so). But we will have to come up with something for that big blue space.
He also hung up my Twelve Days of Christmas quilt. Of course I had told him not to put it up until I got the ornaments attached but, what the hay, I can climb on a ladder and stick them up there. I love this quilt. It is the first big applique quilt I did and it was really a challenge but I got it done and this is the second year we have been able to enjoy it.
Now, as for celebrations, on Wednesday I will be celebrating my 70th birthday. It is really funny because I don’t feel like I think 70 should feel like. But thinking about it I began to also think about what I am most thankful for in my life. I think that it would be that for all of my childhood I was raised in a Christian home and, even as an only child, was privileged to be surrounded by a loving, laughing, and fun Christian family. This gave me the background to find a Christian husband and raise our 4 children as I had been raised. Everything else that I am grateful for stems from the above. And with that I go marching into my 8th decade. Coming along?
your santa is incredible!
I love that you add the ornaments to the 12 Days quilt... very fun!
I am trying to keep up with Bonnie this time too. I didn't do as well on Esther Aliu's 12 Days last year. It's my December UFO, I think...
You have been so very busy what with all the quilting, finishing, and partying you have been doing. Throw in some household things and you are over the top with busy-ness! LOL
Your Christmas decorations will be fabulous. And I'm so glad you are joining in on the Easy Street fun!
Hope your birthday day is as special as your birthday month has been for you.
Happy Birthday! I hope we are right about Bonnie H's mystery will be easier. Time will tell. I really like your 12 Days of Christmas quilt. Was it a pattern? I'm all in to making Christmas quilts right now for some reason. Here's to a happy birthday week!
I'm back. Just wanted to oooh and aaaah over the quilting detail of your santa. It really shows up well on your header photo... or what ever that is called!
Just a wonderful header photo!! Happy Birthday young gal!! All your decorations are wonderful, I browsed all the little details and your 12-Days is perfect for the season - even if minus the ornaments at the time.
Great quilts! Happy birthday! Both my folks had birthdays in november...dad would have been 100 this year if he'd lived. I'm going to be 67'and don't feel that old. Always amuses me to read about someone in their 60's and they call them elderly, then i realize i'm that old or older! My85 year old grandpa told me physically he felt old but emotionally he felt like he was 20. Have a great dayand thanks for sharing
I love your 12 days quilt...
ohhh my teen puts out my village now - it always says Christmas to me - love the 12 days of Christmas quilt!
Wonderful post. I hope you enjoy every moment of your birthday week!
Lovely quilt - especially love the dove at the bottom :)
I will be 65 on Wednesday, let's celebrate!!!! Love your Santa.
Fun quilt! That dove is really nice under it. So, do you do the ornaments advent-calendar-style?
Happy Birthday! It is my birthday month too ;-) Hope you have a splendid day & celebrate in style!
We're going to have lots of fun with Easy Street!
I just love your quilt...happy Brithday!
Hope you have a great birthday. If you are like me, you wonder where has the time gone and how can I possibly be this old. It seems like this year has disappeared in a flash. Your quilt with Bonnie should be lots of fun.
I love your santa and the quilt is great. Elizabeth
I always want to start the mysteries and get sidetracked! Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Thank you for showing your very nice Christmas quilt. Happy Birthday. I can relate to not feeling your age, I will be 78 in December and I am wondering how I got here so fast.
I really like your Advent calender but I LOVE your Santa header. That is wonderful.
Love your Santa banner! And some great projects! Happy Birthday... so nice to visit with you today!
Love your quilt!! happy birthday
The quilt in your header is amazing! Saw you over at the 2012 quilt show
Great to see your quilts and the lovely work in your Santa. Have a great birthday.
Wow your Santa is amazing!
Pretty tree and that Santa is AMAZING!
Nice quilting on the Santa :)
Fun tree, excellent quilting on Santa!
Nice projects. Love that 12 Days of Christmas.
So many fun things here, but I am particularly digging the font and colors for the comments! I have no idea how you did that, but now I am intrigued.
Your 12 Days quilt is lovely. I guess we'll all have to check back to see the ornaments hung.
The Santa quilt floors me. Fantastic quilting!
I will be 43 in three weeks and I have for years (16, to be exact) felt 27. I truly believe we all have a mental age and if we are lucky it is a much younger age than we actually are. Happy 70th and I hope you forever stay stuck where you feel is right!
You're a busy lady!
Beautiful! I can't stop looking at Santa in your header as I can only dream of being able to quilt like that someday.
Your quilt is lovely. Your header Santa is absolutely beautiful!
Love your quilt but the header quilt is incredible !
Wonderful job!
You have been very busy! Love the Santa in the header too! You make me feel young. Now if I could get a little more productive.
well done.xx
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