Design Wall
My design wall has a lot on it but very little that is new. What I have been doing is working on the applique of the owls I have made.
This weekend I spent my sewing time doing the applique on these three owls. I am impressed at the definition that shows up once the stitching is done. You can see the difference between the top three and the one below them.
This week I hope to make at least one of the 3 owls I am behind. AND, I am going to work on a decision of what colors I want to choose for Bonnie Hunter’s Mystery Quilt coming up the day after my birthday.
This week I bought these blocking pieces for socks. I was amazed at how great the socks looked once they dried. I may have to get a couple more, once I have made more pairs.
I also bought this new yarn. It look like shades of purple but there is a lot of denim blue in there, too.
I also started a new pair. I am using the same pattern as the last ones as I like how they fit and the 3-1 ribbing on the leg and instep.
I also got this one ready to work on. It is the same pattern as the class sock. I had started it prior to taking the sock class but stopped when I realized that I didn’t understand the pattern and decided that a sock class was needed. All that went well but while I was working on my class socks one of my sweet dogs pulled this sock out of a drawer, the yarn ball was strewn all over the floor and 3 of the 4 needles were broken. Until this weekend it was still in the bag, just as I found it, but now it has been untangled, rewound, and new needles have been inserted and it is ready to go, again.
While grocery shopping this morning DH and I found this. We were really excited since we had happily eaten Pumpkin pancakes while on our trip in Sept.
And I have to say that they were GREAT. So great that it was requested that I make a second batch. I’m thinking that we will be having them again.
Now, if you haven’t already, it is time to visit the Bloggers Quilt Festival to see all of the creativeness and, possibly, vote for my Funky Chicken quilt. Here is the link to the applique section, where my quilt is, but be sure to check out the other areas.
Have a great week, Gari
More about pumpkin spice:
Love the owls.
Look forward to seeing how those Christmas units go together!
Love your Hooty Hoots! Yes they come more alive with the thread work! Oh my will have to look for this mix for my buddy/niece...she loves all things pumpkin!
Lovely projects and I'll be searching out the pumpkin spice mix - I had pumpkin spice oatmeal pancakes at Perkins over the weekend and I'm craving them so thanks! I think those Fat Quarter Shop blocks are just the cutest.
Your socks are so pretty! And your owls are just adorable. Looking forward to seeing your completed Christmas projects. As far as pumpkin goes.... I love it in most any form. Those pancakes look yummy! I will have to look for the mix, too.
Love your gingerbread men, they're so cute!
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