Today I am 71
And given that both my birthday and Thanksgiving arrived on the same day this year I decided to share what I am thankful for. First and foremost I am thankful that I know Jesus Christ as my Savior and that he has walked with me for most of my 71 years. Second I am thankful for my husband, Eric, who has been my partner for almost 53 years. We have survived good years and bad years (currently good) and each has made us stronger both individually and as a couple. And third I am thankful for our 4 children. Each has grown into a strong and successful adult with good marriages. We have watched them mature and grow as parents and to learn to accept each child as an individual rather than carbon copies of themselves.
There are many other small things that I am thankful for (other family members, our nation, my home, friends, etc.) but if I tried to mention all of them I would forget someone and that wouldn’t be good (sounds like the academy awards, doesn’t it?).
Now let me tell you about my birthday. As
you can see from the picture above, we went to the beach after a Thanksgiving dinner at Applebee’s, which was terrific. We walked the beach so we could make a stop at Village Inn for PIE. They make the best lemon meringue pie and serve very big slices.
Anyone who regularly reads my blog knows that DH took me to see Kenny G earlier this month as my birthday gift. But this morning he presented me with this book, which I didn’t even know was coming out. I have read all of her Elm Creek books so this was well welcomed.
He also gave me these earrings. Aren’t they the cutest? And perfect for a person who has three doxies.
I also need to show this again. It is a bedside glass owl pitcher that my/our twins and their very special spouses gave me for my birthday after they had been together this summer.
It is quite unique and I have never seen another like it. It always makes me feel special when my children remember me even though we are so far apart.
And I guess there is one last thing. Look what followed me home. A whole lemon meringue pie. I guess we will be celebrating my birthday for a while longer: but of course there are still 2 more days in BIRTHDAY MONTH!
Happy birthday, sister o'mine. I'm glad you've had such a nice birthday. I didn't know about the book either, it's now going on my Christmas list!
Happiest of birthdays and happiest of Thanksgivings to you too! Loved your post :) Enjoy the pie and your great new book.
Happy Birthday. Hope you had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!! And wishes for a warmer one for you next year!
Sending you happy birthday wishes ;)
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