And it hasn’t been easy. On Friday DH and I went to the movies and saw Maleficent. I am not an Angelina Jolie fan but I really liked her in this movie. Anyway, we were away all day so no sewing or knitting happened. Then on Saturday I woke up almost unable to step on my left leg, my hip really. This had happened a few months ago and then got better but I didn’t like it any more this time than last. Today it has been some better and I am able to get around with the use of a “cane,” something I fashioned to use as a cane. I am trying to not overdo.
If I am up and moving tomorrow I will be doing laundry and dishes but believe me I’ll also be working on my projects. Hope you will, too. Gari
Linking with Patchwork Times.
I just love your owls and the two little quilts.
Oh no, I hope you are getting around better today! Love the baby quilts. And look at you, almost finished with your sweater!!
The owls are fantastic! Do tell the secret to the check mark in the pdf! Please. ;)
Hope the hip problem is nothing serious and it goes away with some rest. Love the cute kids quilts. I had to laugh, I tend to do the same thing. Last was my black and white quilt where I ended up making two lap quilts and a table runner since I overcut and pieced by so much.
First your granddaughter looks so cute on your header. She just loves those strawberries! Sorry to hear about them bones (and joints and...) bothering you. Rest up so you can keep going on your projects. And, please do share how you made check marks on your pdf! I love making check marks on my goal lists and think I am so clever to know how to do it! The owls are coming along wonderfully. Where do you put all these great BOMs you do? By now I suspect the sweater is done. Can't wait to see what you start next!
Sure hope your hip is much better. Your owls are WONDERFUL! I love those blocks. And your sweater is almost finished! WOOHOO!! The photo in your header is just precious.
Oh dear. I hope you get to feeling better very soon. Isn't it great when you get two quilt out of one.
BTW, your header photo is precious. It brought a smile to my morning!!!
After a sleeples night I am not sre I will do much today though I need to pick up my embroidery machine this afternoon. I didn't realise till it was gone a few days how much I depend on it!
I had cortisone shots in both knees yesterday hence the sleepless night I a So sensitive to that stuff!
Empathizing with you Gari!
I am so far behind on the owls!! Yours look great. That will be next on my list, lol.
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