So, Friday I went to the studio, full of vim and vigor, ready to work on projects. First I started embroidering on a shirt (for me). On the fourth design the machine started grabbing the thread, breaking it, and making a mess on the underside. I had just had the machine serviced so I packed it up and took it back to the service person. He thinks it is the sole plate which he had already told me had a nick on it.
Back at the studio I started quilting on my Christmas disappearing 9 patch.
And I quilted one pass and was about 2/3 of the way through the second when my HQ16 jammed. The needle goes down but won't/can't pull the bobbin thread up, just gets stuck there.
Now to add to all of this my laptop has decided to not connect with the internet. For the last week it will only be on local wireless and not internet. I have been so frustrated by it that I haven't called anyone: I knew I wasn't in any mood to try many different things. Anyway, the two machines were just too much for me so I shut everything down, jumped in my car, and drove 70 miles to a quilt shop I had recently heard of. It was very nice and I even was able to pick up some sale fabric.
Saturday I sat down at my straight stitch machine and pieced on my Bonnie Hunter quilt now named Chocolate Stars.
I have made about 24 blocks, pinned on the design wall, and will probably make 20 - 24 more before I run out of fabric strips.
I also got the fabric all together to make a Christmas wall h
anging. My sky will be the blue and I plan to have 12 reindeer, 6 light and 6 dark, kind of like shadows. This quilt will cover a set of bookshelves that are above where we put our Christmas village set: this will be the background. I have to get started on it soon because we put the village up the first weekend in December, only 5 weeks away.
I guess the moral of this story is that it is good to have several different machines so that when one goes wonky I can just move to a different one and work on a different project. Another moral is that it is good to have decided to not make Christmas gifts this year: no deadlines looming.
Gari -
It must have been something in the air - because I worked on three different quilts yesterday! One of them was Bonnie's stars. Not sure how many stars I have done.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Sarah Norman
I like your Christmas D9P,Gari, I have yet to make one & keep planning to! The classic quilters problem, too many quilt designs too little time!
It sounds as if you had a gremlin visit with everything you touched breaking down. Hope it's goner for good!
My first visit to your blog, I continue to find "new" blogging quilters.
Look at you go (and stop!) so you just HAD to drive tothe new quilt shop...and HAD to buy some fabric LOL Yes, frustration can do that! Hope it all gets fixed and back to normal soon!
HI....WELCOME to sure have some lovely projects. Hope to see more in the future!!
Hi! I found your blog through reading Sarah's blog (Disorganized Quilter). I was there too! Your chocolate stars is fantastic. I can't wait to finish mine up but I have many blocks to go.
Hello! I found your blog from a comment you left on Tanya's. I enjoyed looking at your quilts, and hope that you post a picture of your Christmas village. I got hooked on them several years ago and mine has grown as much as it can without relocating. Any more additions and I will have to take over another set of shelves in the living room. I love to see how others have arranged theirs.
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