How’s this for a bright quilt? I figure that any little kid would love a bright, colorful quilt like this. And guess what! That border fabric is some I “found” in my cleaning. It has all the same colors as the sashing fabric but MUCH BRIGHTER.
As for the cleaning, I found that I get distracted pretty easily. I worked all day Wednesday and got the the cutting table completely cleaned off and everything on it either put in it’s place or thrown away. The before and after can be seen here.
Thursday I found that I just had to get a new cutting mat so I was out of town all day.
Friday and Saturday I again was in the studio, cleaning.
This is the top of the cedar chest that sits next to my chair where I do most of my hand work and also take breaks. It was piled high with magazines, fabric, fabric scraps, and a bunch of other “junk.” Now it has places for the handwork as well as open spaces for my coffee cup.
And would you believe there is a couch under there? Just before I took this picture there wasn’t even that seat showing but DH came in to visit and cleared it for himself.
Now it is empty with a spot for magazines and even a quilt.
One of the things I realized was that I felt the need to play with my fabrics.
So I pulled all my batiks from the very messy shelf and refolded it. Look how easy it is to do when the cutting table is clean.
Look at these very neat piles of folded beauty.
And here they are again in their new home.
My batiks are now living right next to my sewing machines where I can see them while I sew even when I am not sewing batiks.
But I did do some sewing this week. I finally got the binding on Henrietta and
And it is finally on the wall. Funny thing, DH hasn’t even noticed that it is on the wall. But I know it and love seeing it up there.
Other projects I worked on were:
I drew and prepped the applique fusible for the Fish BOM. Later this week I will choose the fabric.
And I am getting ready to correct an embroidery mistake. This is the back of a denim jacket where the tiger did not sew out correctly. It was a difficult design that messed up dramatically.
This is the practice sew out. I am going to applique it onto the jacket back.
The cleaning is going to continue. I seem to actually be doing this on an every other day basis so at that rate will have about 1 1/2 weeks to go. Hopefully after that I will keep up with it…….LOL.
Linking up with Patchwork Times and What a Hoot.
WOW, you are really getting into the cleaning, folding and straightening thing. Looks great to me. I've not started to do that....sigh!!
Go Gari Go!!! You are doing a great job. I would have found something exciting and be off in a different direction. :)
I've always wondered why the test stitch out always works great and the one on the actual garment is the one that messes up. Hmmmmm
You've been busy! I like to see the before and after cleaning pics. My sewing space looks a lot like your before!
Wow, Gari - I need to follow your example and clean/reorganize my fabric areas. FOR SURE!! Men just crack me up so much - how can you not notice such a wonderful quilt as your Henrietta hanging on the wall? ;D But what a bummer about the embroidery messing up on the jacket.
I need that cleaning mojo at my house. You're doing great and your projects are so fun. Love Henrietta and that bright child's quilt. Heck, like them all - an awesome tiger.
Looking good!! Your Henrieta quilt came out really nice!
Lovely Henrietta!
I get distracted easily too - but your distraction seems to have been productive! Great job!
I love looking at neatly folded fabric, but hate doing the folding!
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