Celtic Solstice and a Little More
OK, so the plan was to just make a few blocks and use them as a table runner and maybe a couple of placemats. Well, that is not going to happen, we will be making a quilt. I still haven’t decided if it will be the smaller or larger one but I do love what I am seeing so far.
Now, none of these blocks are actually sewn together so I will be moving units around, probably for months. I am not going to hurry this process: I am going to cut a little fabric and make a few units, then cut a little more. Maybe by Spring I will have a new quilt ………… maybe.
I am about to put this Carol Doak mystery from last year on the frame. But first I have to make a back for it. The backing fabric I bought is just a smidge too small so I will be cutting it down the middle and adding a stripe of a different fabric. I am not sure how I am going to quilt it but planning that will be on the agenda this week.
And here is my new knitting project. I am trying to learn how to knit toe up socks and to knit two socks at a time. So here are the tips of the two toes: that’s all the further I have gotten. I learned the figure 8 cast-on and am working on the M1L and M1R (increasing). We are going to have really cold weather here on Tuesday and Wednesday so I will be in the house, knitting.
Well, that’s not all I will be doing. I have decided to change most of the furniture around in my bedroom. I figure that since I won’t be able to be in the studio for a couple of days (no central heat) I will have plenty of time to push and pull stuff. When I was younger I moved furniture all the time (poor DH fell over stuff from time to time) but not so much lately. However, I am considering getting a tread climber or treadmill and need to see if it will fit in there. Bet I stay warm with all that physical work.
I see that we are going to be part of the artic blast that is coming out of Canada. What will be making it down here will not be as bad as up north but for we thin skinned southerners it will be difficult. I have dug out my sweat pants and heavy sweaters but mostly I plan to stay inside and keep warm.
So, keep busy and warm and have a great week. Gari
I love the colors of your CS quilt!
we're glad to share our cold weather with you!
Your Celtic Solstice looks great so far, such bright pretty colours. :-)
Arctic blasts don't sound good. Keep warm.
Your blocks are going to be so pretty. The colors just pop.
What a bright Celtic Solstice! I like the purples.
No wonder you want a bigger quilt! What you have is wonderful. Good luck with figuring out the design for your mystery quilt and moving furniture. I am not the furniture mover in my house, hubby is. I leave town and he goes crazy. Oh well. I'm impressed with the new socks. Keep warm. Our blast isn't going to be bad unless I happen to go out of the house tonight...ain't going to happen!
Great colors in your someday CS quilt. Hope you stay warm with moving, fabric play and yarn play!
Yes, I really like your colors for CS -- I understand why it's going to be a full-blown quilt!! Gari, here in North Alabama it is 14 degrees and snowing. I keep feeling the need to click my heals together! LOL! Definitely a day to stay tucked inside!! :)
Oh I knew you'd have a deliciously wonderful color palette for this mystery. Oh my I just love your colors, I'd be making this bigger if I were you too. What a wonderful fabric selection :)
I am loving making socks two at a time. You need to be patient while learning but I love it.
I have my hand knitted socks on right now and boy are my feet loving it! Beautiful quilt, hope we get to see the finished project.
You are a very busy lady.... Just getting into quilting sort of. Applique things so far. Small wall hanging and table runners. Someday a big quilt lol... Do a lot of miniature things but want to sew more. Love your blog.
I love, love your Celtic Solstice. I'm so bummed I didn't jump on the band wagon because I think this is Bonnie's best mystery quilt yet!
You picked a beautiful color palette for CS, I love it. It looks nice and summery, which is nice to look at considering how cold it was last week.
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