Have you ever felt like your children were trying to kill you? Well, yesterday was one of those days. Now, mind you, it was a wonderful day. We were up early and off to Western Maryland to ride a steam engine train. We had a beautiful ride up and down the mountains and then we arrived here.
Our son had already purchased tickets so all we needed to do was to be there in time to board the train. As we waited I had to take pictures of the station, which looks a lot like it did a hundred years ago.
And while waiting, here came the train.
And it got bigger.
Before long we were boarded and on our way further up the mountain.
It was an hour’s ride with beautiful scenery all along the way.
And then we were finally there.
and walked up a very steep hill into the town. If I tell you that I had to stop once on the stairs and again on the walk/climb, you will understand that I thought I was dying, right there. But, I made it to the top and was treated to an ice cream cone by my children. [killing me with sugar if the climb didn’t do it] .
The train ride home was even funnier. DH and DS spent most of the ride in between the cars, hanging out the dutch door, getting soot blown in their eyes from the coal being shoveled into the steam engine. And, they had a wonderful time.
There were people who rode the train up with us, taking their bikes along, and then biked down on the bike/walking trail. It is 15 miles and we did see some people biking up but way more biking down.
And then, after only 30 minutes going downhill with the brakes screeching all the way, we were back in the station.
If I tell you that I didn’t take any pictures of going to the LL Bean outlet store or the sandwich shop for dinner, you will know that I was too tired to lift the camera or push the shutter button. LOL
If I tell you that I didn’t take any pictures of going to the LL Bean outlet store or the sandwich shop for dinner, you will know that I was too tired to lift the camera or push the shutter button. LOL
I was very pleased with how it looks, especially with the painting they are planning to hang in there.
When I wrote this we were in Raleigh, waiting for DS#2 to arrive. He had just called to say he was delayed in Charlotte, weather related, and we were killing time at Books A Million: free WiFi and all the books and magazines you can read. Whoopee.
After he got there we had dinner at Red Rooster,
with lots of catching up, and then we parted so we could leave Raleigh by 8pm and head home to AL. I was ready for home, puppies, and my own bed.
We arrived home at 6am this morning and laid down for a "power nap." But when I woke up at 10 I was immediately off to get Abby from the vet and get our little family back together again. Had a great time but it is good to be home!!
What a great trip. I feel your pain with all those steps though. I'd have needed more bribing than just an ice cream cone. LOL
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Western Maryland is so beautiful. It sounds wonderful but tiring. If you were at the airport in Raleigh you should have zipped on over to Chapel Hill to Thimble Pleasures. It is a great quilt shop and they have just moved to a bigger location.
Glad you had such a great trip! I have always wanted to ride in a steam engine train so I'll add this to my someday list!
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