I did finish my socks today.
I didn’t unravel the wider piece I showed last week, I bound if off and am using it as a lap piece under my laptop. It is about the size of a placemat and fits the foot of my Surface which has been making grooves in my legs.
Oh, and I completed another dish cloth.
However that was not the best part of the day. The son of the owner of the company asked me how much I would charge to make some children’s charity quilts. He said his son has leukemia and has been given some quilts when he is in the hospital. He said he would like to “pay it back” with quilts for the other children there. I offered to make them for free but he insisted he wanted to pay for them so we will be negotiating sometime later. I can’t tell you how good it made me feel to be able to assist him.
Well, it is time to link up with Patchwork Times and begin our weekend. Hope everyone has great plans and they all work out. Gari
Your knitting is lovely! What a privilege to be a part of making a different for a child! Keep up the good work.
Love the color of your sweater! Is that a Lady Kina? If so, you'll love it.
You have become a knitting fool like me. lol I like the sweater (couldn't make out the sleeves) and your socks look warm and comfy. I'm still working on my purple variegated sock but getting close to the toe. Can't wait to start sock #2.
What a nice thing to be able to make quilts for kids in need. It is a really good feeling.
I still love those socks, such a great color. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
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